Tag Archives: setup

Cakephp3: Installing Cakephp3

23666Cakephp 3 depends a lot on using composer, so youll need to get that first.; http://getcomposer.org/

Once youve set up composer you can create a brand new cakephp3 app by;

  1. Going to your web servers “htdocs” folder. I.e if your using xammp it should be; C:xampphtdocs
  2. Open a command windows here and type;
    composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app my_app_name
  3. Cakephp will create a folder in your htdocs folder called ” my_app_name”
  4. Open http://localhost/my_app_name

Cakephp 3 installation:

Windows 7/8/10 Install Error (0x80300024)

When installing windows on a multidrive/boot system you can sometimes get this rather cryptic error message. It relates to how Windows setup sees your Drive partitions. There are two was to solve it;

1) Disconnect all drives from your PC except the one you are installing Windows on.
2) Enter your BIOS and set the hard drive you are installing Windows on to be the top-priority drive.

Either of those should fix the error message.