Tag Archives: install

create your own search engine using searxng and linux

The excellent network chuck on youtube made a video the other day about making your own search engine with searxng so i thought id put the steps involved on doing in locally in Linux.

Update our linux installation

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

install docker;

sudo apt install docker.io

install docker compose tool:

sudo apt install docker-compose

navigate to dir where you want to keep searxng, in this example well put it in “/usr/local/”

cd /usr/local

download searxng;

git clone https://github.com/searxng/searxng-docker.git
cd searxng-docker

create secret key;

sudo sed -i "s|ultrasecretkey|$(openssl rand -hex 32)|g" searxng/settings.yml

start up docker containers

sudo docker-compose up

point your browser to;


Tweaks and settings;

See here for how to change things;



How to create a free SSL cert for your website

One of the most annoying things about having a website is the fact that you have to pay for an SSL cert and that its an extra it shouldnt be.

I dont need an SSL cert!
100% true this website is only a blog but googles chrome browser no will start warning about sites not having an SSL cert and seriously fuck google for that.

Create and install a Free SSL cert for your website with ZeroSSL in the following video.  Its fairly simple and quick to do.



Install a new Cakephp3 Project with composer

  1. You need the php tool composer which you can get from composer.org
  2. Simply run the following command in the windows command prompt  while in your “c:\xampp\htdocs\” folder;
    composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app mywebapp

    3.In your htdocs folder you should see a new folder called “my_app_name”

    If you wanted to create an application called  “mywebapp” simply enter;

    composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app mywebapp

Cakephp3: Installing Cakephp3

23666Cakephp 3 depends a lot on using composer, so youll need to get that first.; http://getcomposer.org/

Once youve set up composer you can create a brand new cakephp3 app by;

  1. Going to your web servers “htdocs” folder. I.e if your using xammp it should be; C:xampphtdocs
  2. Open a command windows here and type;
    composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app my_app_name
  3. Cakephp will create a folder in your htdocs folder called ” my_app_name”
  4. Open http://localhost/my_app_name

Cakephp 3 installation: