Tag Archives: fuck

I Tunes 9.0.3: New I-Tunes Update Screwed my Music Library?

I loaded up I-Tunes and updated it to  the lastet version (9.03) and when it updated everything, my music library was gone all the playlists i made as well. What the hell kinda shit is this? I detest I-Tunes its far too restrictive and screws the consumer when you buy music.

How the hell do i get my library back, now ill probably have to wipe my I-Pod and start again thanks a fucking lot apple.


Luckily i backed up my PC yesterday with “Symantic Backup Exec System Recovery 2010” which is very useful for keeping a backup of your PC. So i had to copy the old I-Tunes Library File from a few days ago over and its all working now.

Steam and Modern Warfare 2- Steam goes for maintenance and CoD MW 2 dies

mw222_thumbIf there ever was a case for dedicated servers for Modern Warfare 2 its now, steam has gone on some maintenence update but so what you say well the problem is Call of Duty Modern Warfare on the PC needs the Steam “cloud” to work and so now its imposable to play the game. Now if Modern Warfare 2 was working on Dedicated servers this would  never happen.

So FUCK Infinty Ward,Steam and Activison for fucking up what was a a great game and turning it into a pile of steam shit.