Tag Archives: dance music

Music: Making Dance Music

Ive always loved music and Trance/Dance music is my favorite genre of music because it can just make you feel great sometimes. Ever since i first heard songs like;

  • Moby – Go
  • Paul van Dyk – for an Angel
  • Des Mitchel – Welcome to the dance

Ive always wanted to make my own songs, these days its possable thanks to the huge range of software out there such as Ableton Live,Pro Tools,FL Loops,Reason and more. So ive started looking into how you make and arrange a Trance song. Its not as easy as it sounds as theres quite a bit of work and effort involved its true that with the powerful range of DAW’s (Digital Audio Work Stations) out there its a task made slighly easier.

How to make a Trance Tune: A Collection of links ive found to help;

  1. Understanding Basic Trance Structure
  2. How to Make Trance Music
  3. Trance Song Structure: How Is A Typical Trance Song Built ? How Does It Progress ?

Ableton Music Some of the Tunes of made

Ableton Live 8 is such a great software program for making music, ive been messing around with it over the easter holidays and a made a few new songs. Nne of them are any good and were all made from scratch i thought id upload them for anyone to listen to.

Ive been following tutorials from SonicAcademy.com and have been trying to make a Trance /Dance tune and of course its not easy. But its fun and something i can improve on i guess.

None of these songs contain any copyrighted samples as they were all made by me. None of the tunes have been named so the names are bit random.

  1. [wpaudio url=”http://www.irishbloke.net/abletonmp3s/firsttracka.mp3″ text=”DJ Gerry – First Track” dl=”0″]
  2. [wpaudio url=”http://www.irishbloke.net/abletonmp3s/fiftsong.mp3″ text=”DJ Gerry – fifth song” dl=”0″]
  3. [wpaudio url=”http://www.irishbloke.net/abletonmp3s/second song.mp3″ text=”DJ Gerry – Second Song” dl=”0″]
  4. [wpaudio url=”http://www.irishbloke.net/abletonmp3s/27 march new track.mp3″ text=”DJ Gerry – 27 March” dl=”0″]
  5. [wpaudio url=”http://www.irishbloke.net/abletonmp3s/new track mar2010 vers2.mp3″ text=”DJ Gerry – New Track March 2010″ dl=”0″]
  6. [wpaudio url=”http://www.irishbloke.net/abletonmp3s/1 april.mp3″ text=”DJ Gerry – 1april” dl=”0″]
  7. [wpaudio url=”http://www.irishbloke.net/abletonmp3s/4april2010 – i lost you.mp3″ text=”DJ Gerry – i lost you” dl=”0″]