The Age of Conan-“im Quiting Post”

I m just posting this before funcom delete or lock my post on why im leaving AoC;

i know most wont give a toss but i feel after 3 months id like to say that AoC has been such a dispointment.

I quit wow for this and im not going back. Maybe for WOTLK just maybe. I hate WoW, ive a few level 70s and since AoC and War ive been looking for anew MMORPG to fill the gap of being bored with WoW.

WAR launches soon and if thats another Aoc then so be it. MMO’s are not for me anymore.

One of things Wow has that AoC doest and never will is the “social” aspect. WoW has such a great social atmosphere that Aoc will never have at the moment. There is not ONE person from my WoW guild that stuck with AoC. Most ran off after the first month. I stuck around to see what this “PVP patch ” would do and the “Direct x 10 patch” but my wait is over i cant wait anymore for a game to pull its socks up. Maybe im getting too old for this type of game, maybe my younger sister would enjoying this type of game but ive had enough.

Sure i didnt expect it working 100% perfect on launch but the things that were promised vs delivered are so out of sync that this game seems nothing more than a big con.

The back of the Box says “Direct x 10 enchanced features”.

+The bugged quests.
+The OOM errors.
+The Poor Technical support(when launched, its got better know)
+Rubbish Forum Feedback
+Patches released and then a “hot fix” for them more down time
+Lack of confidence in Funcoms Direction with patches
+Expensive sub fee.
+Lack of players online.
+no server migration

If EA were in charge of this game people would have left a whole lot earlier. Fell free to flame me and of course admins will lock this thread but im just saying that enough is enough.

The Guy who is “Director” of this game should be fired he has failed to community of AoC and this game is going downhill since about 2 months ago.

Anyone who stays with this game i hope you ahve fun and enjoy it. I had fun till i got to level80 on a PVE server with my Assassin then i tried PVP but getting ganked by players 10-30 levels highers is not fun. And the “PVP Patch” is still not out.

Farewall folks;
Candytopps-PVE Crom-EU

Age Of Conan – Cancelled

Well after about 4 months of promises ive had enough of Funcoms’s Age of Conan. To this date no DX 10 features or the promised PVP system ive had enough. I did not want to cancel my account but since PVP is the only play style thats any fun and since that involves the “ganking” of your player by somebody “20” levels higher its just not fun anymore.

Im not saying “AoC” is a bad game its just not for mea anymore, having got an assassin to level 80 and a Necromancer to level 33 ive just no interest in getting to any other level.

Computers Hate me! More Supply Failure

I went to PC World for the first time in 2 years today and i got a new Power Supply to replace the 450watt one i have at the moment. After the complete disaster of my recent upgrade with my expensive Power Supply failing i was optimistic that the new one would solve my problems.

Just as before i connected everything up and the fracking PSU a cheap looking one i must say (Jeantech Arctic 600Watt). Well it failed yeah completly dead. How on earth could i be this unlucky. Wearing my old “static straps” from my days in Quantum connecting everything properly as usual. I was gutted so yet again im left with no decent PSU. This on top of everythign else i have to worry about..:(

Warhammer online is ordered

In my attempt to find a new MMO i pre-ordered WAR after reading some great reviews on I heard the game was rubbish but after AoC it cant be much worse really. Im gonna give it a try for the first month and see and unlike AoC i wont be giving it a second month to sort itself out. World of Warcraft will eat these 2 games up and spit ’em out tbh when it arrives. Even though ive quite the game i can see myself going back when WOTLK is out.


I Ordered the game from and the the bloody thing aint working. It says i can download it before launcg date blah blah but i dunno why it aint working.

Computer Upgrade From Hell-Corsair Hx620 PSU Failure

I normally enjoy upgrading my PC when its time to do so but yesterday just about everything seemed to go wrong. After getting all the parts sorted out and connected up to the power supply and turning it on nothing happened. I thought i had the Front panel power switch connected wrong but it i totaly forgot and missed the fact that the Power Supply fan wasnt spinning.

Anway i continued in a state of complete frustration and failed to realised that the PSU fan not running was a big fucking “Neon SIGN” saying “Hey its the PSU”. I took out each part one by one and eventually after everything was out the bloody thing still would start.

So almost in complete agony after 5 hours on my feet wrecked tired and sweating like a fat geek i thought “Fuck, it must be the PSU”. So i tried out one the old “PSU”‘s i had from “PC World” that was the second one form the same manufacturer that “fracked Up”. When is say “Fracked up” i mean that it was plugged in it just went into a kinda “on-state” that you needed to press the “On Button” for it to work and wouldnt shut down properly.

Anyways i knew then it was the Expensive PSU that was the problem.  Today i just went about getting an RMA on the PSU and well it turns out payed a lot for the PSU, way more than i would normally only due to the fact that the last previous 2 ones i had failed. The PSU as i write is 110 Euro but back in march it was 130-160 Euro.  You would think after spending that kinda money that you get better lifespan than that.

Anyway after 5 hours of complete shitness and sweating and having my nextdoor neighbours throw a party while im trying to fix the bastard thing i got the Motherboard and CPU to work. Bloody Ironic how an PC World PSU could help.

Graphics Cards, Crysis and The Evolution of 3d Cards

About a week ago i decided to get a new graphics card for the sake of the game “Crysis” which is visually stunning but needs some serious computer Power to look its best. Its only a year ago since i got my Last graphics card which was a “Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS 640”. While perfectly fine it was struggling with the Game “Crysis” and “Age of Conan”.

Previous to that Card i had an ATI 1950 XT, ATi x800,Geforce 6600, Nvidia Geforce “something”.

I can remember is the very first 3D Card i bought was a 3DFX Voodoo2 12mb card way back in 1998. It cost me £200 which was a fortune at that time. It took 3 weeks of my summer job to save up for it.  That card was the best there was at the time and was well worth the money 3D graphics card were only taking off around that time. I remember loving the game “G-Police” and “Actua Soccer 2” which came free with it. Many a good time was had with tha graphics card and games.

Nowadays its so different the graphics cards are way more powerful but go out of date so fast due to newer cards being made and huge advances in technology which of course is a good thing but its very hard to keep up. One the things about having a console is the fact that you dont need to upgrade like the PC but of course you dont get the best “looking graphics”. When i play any game on the Xbox360 i cant help but wonder “This would look so much better on the PC”.

I did buy a console for one game and that was Grand Theft Auto 4 and it was well worth it. Rockstar games are making a A PC version for november release which im looking forward to, so i can see how utterly fantastic GTA4 will look on the PC.

Harvey Normans’ Dundalk – Are shit also?

About well 3-4 years ago now i used to pop into Harvey Normans quite alot until the day they sold me a fucked up Mp3 player. It was a creative-Rhomba 256 mb and it cost an arm and a leg at about €200. Anyway one day it decided that it wasnt going to work anymore and i took it back to the “Australian Dudes” in Harvey Normans. I was told that they would sent it back to the manufacturer in 1-2 weeks. They took my details etc. 2 Weeks passed and nothing i rang em up they said 4 weeks.

I waited 6 weeks went down to the store on a saturday and the so called “Manager” said he would sort it out “first thing on monday morning”. I believed him well of course nothing happened, no phone call no update on the situation, nothing.

Then i got really angry id waited 6 weeks and i hadnt recieved 1 genuine response or even the truth about the status of my Mp3 Player. I had got in contact with the “Consumer Association of Ireland” and i explained the situation and was told that i should threaten to take them to small claims court or demand to speak to the manager.

I decided after waiting 6 weeks that id like to sepak to manager of the store above the guy who lied to my face and said he would sort it out on monday morning. After a Phonecall i got to speak to the manager who was an Australian Lady who was very apologetic and offered a new Mp3 Player or my money back. I was amazed at how “Demanding to speak” to somebodies manager could eventually resolve things.

I took a full refund and ive never been in harvey normans since.

DJ Tiesto – Elements of Life, Awesomeness

A few weeks ago i posted on my WoW guilds site in the shoutbox “Paul van Dyke” is God. At the time i was well a bit drunk but in the believe that “PVD” was the best at making “trance music”. Another guild member said “DJ Tiesto” was the best and while in all the years since Paul van Dyk was making great tunes i had refused to even listen to another DJ little did i know what i was missing out on.

I decided 2 weeks ago to see what “DJ Tiesto” tunes i could get and how they sounded and i was just blown away. I got hold of “Dj Tiesto’s” “Elements of Life ” 2007 Album well it was the remix album and it is tottaly amazing its just fantastic.

The songs on this album are just out of this world the “Faithless” remix with “Maxi Jazz” and “dance for life”is just amazing. Every song is just crafted as to blow your mind. Yes im a bit tipsy as i write this but DJ Tiesto is my new Favorite DJ.

I-Tunes – Irish music Madness

Today i went on a downloading spree on I-Tunes (which i hate) and i bought a load of albums. Mainy Irish bands from the 1990s. And it kinda blew me away how much great irish bands there is and was back a few years ago. Bands such as “Something happens”, “The Stunning”,”the Frames”, “Frank and Walters”, “Aslan”,”the Saw doctors”,”Whipping Boy”. Some of their songs id forgotten all about until today.

One of the things that i hate about I-Tunes is;

1) it wont let you preview a song
2) The songs you get are .M4p (Mpeg 4 Protected Files) so you cant uses them on any other device than your I-Pod. (i mean how fucked up is that?)

Ive added some of the great songs by these bands to my video blog site at;

New Graphics Card ATI Radeon 4870 – 3D Mark Scores


Amd 6000 X2 6000
4gig Ram
Ati Radeon 4870
Windows Vista 64

1) Vista 64 – Ati Drivers 8.7 Graphics Quality – Quality

a) 3D Mark 06 – Default Settings 9623

b) 3d Mark Vantage – Default P5461
CPU Score 3831
Graphics Score 6363


a) 3D mark 06 – Default – Balanced 11280

b) 3d Mark Vantage – Default P6518 – Balanced
CPU Score 4483
Graphics Score 7681

2) Vista 32 – Ati Drivers 8.6 Graphics Quality – Quality

3D Mark 06 – Default Settings 10326

3d Mark Vantage – Default P5595
CPU Score 4140
Graphics Score 6338