Eircom And Record Labels go after Mp3 Downloaders

Well the news yesterday that Eircom and 4 major record labels are on the attack against illegal Mp3 downloaders came a bit out of the blue tbh.

Basically its a 3-strikes/warnings and you get disconnected. This is going to cause such a storm and how eircom are going to police it will remain to be see. I stopped downloading Mp3’s at least 2 years ago and joined the I-Tunes bandwagon as much i hate I-Tunes at least now there are going “DRM-Free” so you can play your “legally purchased music” on other Mp3 Players.

From what ive read on various forums it seems folks are going to be using there neighbours un-secured Wifi connection to download Mp3’s which is probably gonna end up with innocent folks getting wanring letters and maybe even disconnected.
It looks like its going to be a free-for-all so if you have a WiFi (Wireless Net Connection) make sure its secured.

Some links on the story;

“svchost.exe” Process takes up too much CPU time?

I recently installed the new Realtek audio Drivers for my Vista 64 installation only to notice that while i played Youtube videos there was a bit of slowdown during the videos.

Anyway to cut a long story short by downloading a tool called “procexp64.exe” (Process Explorer) i was able to find out that the problem came from the process “svchost.exe”. it was using up to 30-50% of the CPU time. Meaning that things were running way slower than normal.

It took quite a few hours to figure out the problem and them i found it, by disabling the ATI HDMI outout in the “DEvice Manager” of the Control panel and restarting did the problem go away. Im Posting this this for future reference by anyone who finds this page. I was using ATi Catalyist 8.12 Drivers at the time with Vista 64 and a Ati Radeon 4870 512mb graphics card.

Fuck Apple and I-Tunes!

Today i was searching my Music libaray and i realised that something was wrong, i didnt quite know at the time but then i remember that Current Operating system i was runing (ive got 3 setup) didnt have the “Coldplay” album i had bought from I-Tunes 5 months ago. After searching i found the album but of course the files i found where “.m4p” i.e they were “protected Mp4” music files so i couldnt have them in the Mp3 format.

I only wanted to listen to the music i legally bought online with my money  but it wasnt to be, so fuck Apple and fuck I-Tunes i hate them both with such a passion. So now im stuck with 12 “.MP4” Files that i cant listen too in anything but apples “Quicktime” and “I-Tunes”.

New Year- “It cant be as bad as the last one?”

“It cant be as bad as the last one?”, is something i always say to myself every new year. I just hate the “New Year’s” Celebrations, the older you get the more this seems to increase until you get to a point where you just wanna hide really until all the fuss is over.

But the good thing i guess is thats an excuse for a good party and boy-o-boy does the world need that excuse. With the constant doom and gloom about the world economies, Stealth Taxes arriving in the new year and a country in disaster really with cut backs in public spending the misery never ends. Im turning into a grumpy old man really.

WOTLK-More of the same, with a few new quests and level 80

Its over a month now since WOTLK launched and ive seen just about everything there is to bar the Raid Boss encounters and ive come to the conclusion that its just more of the same with a few new quests. Bare in mind that i play a lot of WoW and ive 8 level 70’s, yeah thats a bad sign of addiction i guess which ive beaten. But i just dont get the whole level 80 thing, i put a lot of time and effort into the last expansion TBC with my main warlock toon and my 7 alts and now im expected to do some of that all over again? Im sorry but its not good enough that Blizzard raise the bar again with another level cap and more quests and more gear. I dont want to do that all over again. I guess my problem is that i may have too many alts and i dont know what one to be my main or it could be that im just sick of the same crap Blizzard spew out each time.

My Guild was kind enough to give me a chance to raid in 25 man Naxx a few weeks a go and it despite my rogue being a sorta of Alt/Main with Epic Level 70 T4 gear and PVP S2 Weapons i was bottom on DPS. I didnt expect to be top but the humilation of being bottom was enough for to make me quit raiding once again. I didnt have the level of gear the rest of the raid had like Tier 5-6 and Sunwell Plateau gear but i got the idea of the Boss fight quickly but that doesnt matter if your “DPS” isnt in-line with everyone elses which really is why i hate WoW raiding.

I wanted to be a Healer in WOTLK and i respecced to Holy with my priest from the start and i did at least 9-10 runs of “The Nexus” and “U.K”. I healed quite well with no wipes being my fault until i tried to Heal “Azol-Nerub” in “Dragonlight” where i just couldnt heal the group at the 2nd/3rd boss, and dam did we try. But in the end it felt like it was my fault, if i remember right we had at least 3 melee including tank which made things very hard to heal. So i respecced to shadow and leveled solo till 80 where i just dont know what to do yet again. The leveling of tailoring seems very difficult which is my only hope and the only hope that a “casual player” can get the gear they need to be useful in raids without the crazy timesink.

Im writing this post after thinking about it for a few weeks and because i got rejected from a “PUG Heroic” for being “UnderGeared” which has made me so angry i cant explain it.

21.5% VAT increase? Rip of Ireland

As of the 1st December VAT has gone up by 0.5 %. I was disgusted by this increase and i never knew nor heard about. As if the economy and cost of living in ireland isnt bloody well high enough the government go and increase the VAT.  This of course means that the cost of everything has gone up in a country that is bloody well expensive already.  A few months ago the cost of Alcohol was increased along with cigarettes.

Irish rail Rip Off:
Last week in went to dublin to visit my sister and was kinda shocked at the prices. A 5-day return ticket from dundalk to dublin costed €25 while thats expensive its nothing compared to how much a one way ticket from dublin to dundalk costed a whopping €19.50!

Pizza Hut Rip Off:
A visit to Pizza hut in dundrum in dublin should have had great food at reasonable prices. Two single pizzas costed €10 each plus €2.25 for a Pepsi and €5 euro each for two starters plus another €5 for a Bulmers.  Anyway the whole meal came to a totaly disgraceful amount of €40. I wouldnt mind if the meal was good but it wasnt it was very average compared with the price of a Dominos pizza and meal for around €25

Best love song ever?

Not being in love is one of the few things in life that ive not yet experienced. Sure ive had crushes on girls when i was in school but ive never been able to meet a girl and well fall in love. Being in love is easy, getting the other person to feel the same way is the hard part.

A few months ago i watched the irish film called “Once” with the leader singer of “The Frames” Glen hansard in the starring role as a struggling muscian trying to record some songs. Now the strange thing is i never knew about this film until i was looking at youtube for videos on the irish bad “The Frames”. The title song has already won an Oscar and rightly so, its such an inredable song full of emotion and makes you feel alive when you listen to it.

I think it must be one of the best love songs ever written for the simply fact that that its about falling in love with somebody you dont quite know fully.

I urge anyone to watch the movie and even if your a “cold hearted miserable b’ard” like me you will love it. Sure its not a movie for everyone but it sure made me watch it from start to finish.

Wow:Theres some special about it, Paladin Epic-ness

When i came back to Wow about a week and half ago for the new big pre-WOTLK patch i was disapointed in the little content there was. Sure a few Hair-cuts and the new talents and of course the achievements make things interesting while the vast majority of Azeroth is bored stupid.

Anyway i had my level 34 Female Dwarf Paladin who i gave up on ever leveling after level 34 due to how bloody slow it was to kill anything after the patch this all changed it was super fast and easy to level and i started to level due to the fact that there was nothing else to do in Wow and ive almost given up on Warhammer Online.

So yesterday i got to level 60 which i never intended or thought i would get to so i set myself the task of getting the Paladin Epic mount which has to be one of the coolest looking mounts in WoW. This of course meant a long quest to do and some gold and luckily i had the gold and eventually got to the last part in the quest where you need to go to Scholomance. I was luckily able to get some kind guildies to help with the Dire Maul and Stratholme parts (Boya,Pikel,Kristina and kayza).

It was difficult to get any help for the Scholomance part which to be honest is a horrable place anyway. So after a few shouts in the guild chat i gave up and relogged with another toon for a while. Then this is where Wow really shines, i flew to the Western Plaguelands to be near Scholomance and i relogged back in. I noticed a level 60 Paladin near by looking bored and i asked just on the off-chance that they were having the same problem getting the last part done as me, if they were doing the Paladin Mount Quest and would you know it by complete luck or faith they were! I was amazed so we teamed up and this player had a few people in the group already so we were all set to go.

Of course luck wasnt too kind and our Druid healer had some Diconnection problems. Anyway we had another problem as we all got outside Scholo, we had no key! So luckily my old reliable Gnome Warlock ‘Chuckie’ was there to save the day, so i relogged with my warlock and rejoined my Guild and we all entered Scholo and started to clear the way to cellar. It was a bit chaotic as id never even re-specced my warlock after the patch and hadnt a clue what spec to pick. Anyway we cleared to the room with all the whelps and we wiped. Two people left the group and we got a level 70 paladin to help who seemed to not know where Scholo was or what the Paladin mount quest consisted off. Anyway we managed to summon the boss you need to kill for the mount and we killed it.

The funny thing is that the other Paladin in the group looted the item you needed and left. My heart sank and thought for a few seconds that the item you loot was only for one paladin and not two. Then i realised that i needed to use the item i looted on the dead horse and hey presto there was my Achievement and my Epic Paladin mount.

I cant name any other game that has that kind of amazing events and people who come to help you like that. Wow really is an amazing game.

Are Americans Stupid or Just Ignorant?

The pile of UK TV shows getting “Translated” to “US” is growing faster than ever it seems.  Currently “Little Britain” is running in its “US” version which i can understand as the original is very “British” which of course is the point of the show. Ive seen a few episodes of the “US” version and its still got the same shocking disturbing comedy to it. Some of the characters are quite poor and not funny really the “Lady with the Dog” for one.

The “US” version of “The Office” is very good it keeps the idea of the original and adds some great ideas and characters to it and it works. Another show ive seen thats made the transition is a show called “Life on Mars”. Ive never watched it and know nothing about it but it another example of how americans need things dumbed-down or translated for them. I cant quite understand why the americans need there own special versions of these TV shows? There are a number of reasons which i can guess at;

  • Accents and “British/European Sence of Humour”
  • Regional problems like city names etc
  • or the plain old stupid fact that americans wouldnt understand it