How to create a javascript function to send a AJAX request to your cakePHP controller action;
function testajaxadd(question_id,answerindex){ var mydata=new Object(); mydata.question_id=question_id; mydata.answerindex=answerindex; jQuery.ajax({ type:'POST', async: true, cache: false, data: mydata, url: 'http://localhost/myquiz/questions-answers/ajaxadd', success: function(response) { //success console.log(response); }, error: function(response) { console.log(response); } }); }
Cakephp controller action;
public function ajaxadd(){ $questionsAnswer = $this->QuestionsAnswers->newEntity(); if ($this->request->is('ajax')) { $questionsAnswer = $this->QuestionsAnswers->patchEntity($questionsAnswer, $this->request->data); // Added this line which makes the record belong to the logged in user $questionsAnswer->user_id = $this->Auth->user('id'); if ($this->QuestionsAnswers->save($questionsAnswer)) { $status['msg']="Saved Record"; } else { $status['msg']="Error Saving Record"; } //return the message to js function $this->response->body(json_encode($status)); return $this->response; } }