There are some amazing games coming out between now and x-mas thats its impossable to choose what ones to buy. Probably the most exciting is the World of Warcrack Expansion pack Wrath of Litch Pin and yes they are delibate mistakes in the aid of being funny.
Anyway the big 3.0.2 patch is out for WoW at the moment which is the one before WOTLK hits so id thought id come back to WoW for a bit. I got an urge to try level my level 34 Dwarf paladin of all things. I cant explain it, one minute i was playing Warhammer Online with my Dwarf Rune Priest and 30 min later i was back in Wow after two months.
I always told myself that i wouldnt come back till there was new content while i cant see much in the patch notes except a “wall of text” abour boring class changes all i see is the “hair-cut” feature something that will keep the boredom away till WOTLK no doubt:p
The big 3.0 patch was something worth investigating at least for the moment. I kinda feel embarrassed returning to WoW like a long lost relative who ran out on his family i return with cap in hand so to speak. Theres still feck all to play for till the 14th of November and “Wrath of the litch king” but ill have a “poke” around i guess.
PVP is still the only thing i can be bothered with and out of my 7 alts ive yet to decide what one will be my “new main”. Its got to be the Priest or Rogue really also i like my Dwaft Huntard but theres piles of hunters around.
The other problem is wheter or not id like to raid ever again and the odds of that in the guild im in isnt very good. Odds are ill leave and join a small friendly guild with some people i know maybe or quit Wow again for good this time never to return.
Ive no idea if i want to raid ever again but thats a long way off and if WOTLK doest have something more than TBC all over again im off. If i get addicted again im screwed unlikely i see what Wow is now and how utterly boring it can be. Time will tell as they say.