A bout a year ago i had found a really great UFO video called “Most accurate Investigation into UFO’s ever” and it really went into detail about UFO’s it had Bull Aldrin the NASA Astronaught speaking about his experiences. It was the best UFO video id ever seen but it seemes this video has vanished from the net. It was on youtube its gone,i found it was on megavideo its also gone and its gone from aolvideo too.
Seems very strange to me that a video like this would just be taken off all video sites. I mean everyone knows youtube take all the good videos down but for it to vanish from at least 3 video websites is just a little weird to me. A Possable copyright infringment might be the reason but who knows really. Im hinting at some other reason really but im sure how to even write it down.
Below are the links to the now dead video if my some chance you find this post please send me a link of the video working online somewhere id love to see it again.
google search link;