Category Archives: CakePhp

Cakephp 3 – using uuid as primary key

In addition to use an auto-increment key as the primary key, you may also use UUID columns. CakePHP will create a unique 36 character UUID (Cake\Utility\Text::uuid()) whenever you save a new record using the Table::save() method.

From the book;

So if you create your primary key field as char(36) , cakePHP3 will generate unique uuids rather than the stand auto-incremented 1,2,3 4 keys

Credit to stackoverflow again;


CakePHP3 Cache Example – Using Curl to get a Web page contents

Heres a simple example of using the cache feature of cakephp. We want to grab a webpage contents from the web but we only want to do this once otherwise its going to be slow and waste resources.

The basic idea is that we check if the url is saved in cache, if it is then we read it in otherwise we must use curl to grab it.

CakePHP3’s Cache settings are in the config/app.php file;

* Configure the cache adapters.
'Cache' => [
'default' => [
'className' => 'File',
'path' => CACHE,
'url' => env('CACHE_DEFAULT_URL', null),
'duration' => '+60 minutes',//the duration object should cached for
/*'prefix' => 'mycacheprefix_',*/



CakePHP 3 Cache:

Cakephp 3 Plugin – Changelogs

Ive finally gotten around to releasing this little app i was working on for Cakephp3.  I decided a while ago to abandon Cakephp 2 and go with the new version 3.

Its been a steep learning curve so i wanted to learn as much as i could.  So thats where this app/plugin came in.

The Aim:
The goal of the plugin was to allow a way to simply log tasks, changes or articles about the cakephp project your working on.

If your working on a website/project on your own you need a way to record your changes and tasks so i thought this would be an ideal way to learn and release something. Sure you could do the same with Github and better but i think its better to have something like this integrated into your application.

Screenshot: Version 1






Version 2 Screenshot:





Github & Source:

Cakephp3: Installing Cakephp3

23666Cakephp 3 depends a lot on using composer, so youll need to get that first.;

Once youve set up composer you can create a brand new cakephp3 app by;

  1. Going to your web servers “htdocs” folder. I.e if your using xammp it should be; C:xampphtdocs
  2. Open a command windows here and type;
    composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app my_app_name
  3. Cakephp will create a folder in your htdocs folder called ” my_app_name”
  4. Open http://localhost/my_app_name

Cakephp 3 installation:

Cakephp Tips – Sort Data With the Pagnator Component

If you wanted to sort a Model by a certain field in this case take the field “created” which is a date. We can simply tell cakePHP to pagnate entries by the order they were created by the following example.

	public function index() {
		// we prepare our query, the cakephp way!
		$this->paginate = array(
			'limit' => 20,
			'order' => array('created' => 'desc')
		$this->Link->recursive = 0;		
		$this->set('links', $this->Paginator->paginate());

More Examples can be found here;