Not a song you want to really listen to but its the one from Fr ted as Tommy Tiernan is at the back of the bus.
I think this might be one of the most depressing songs ive ever heard and its put to good use in this Fr Ted scene.
Not a song you want to really listen to but its the one from Fr ted as Tommy Tiernan is at the back of the bus.
I think this might be one of the most depressing songs ive ever heard and its put to good use in this Fr Ted scene.
Never liked this song but eastenders had it playing in the background today and it was one of those 90’s tunes i wish i didnt remember!
The most relaxing song in the world-scientificlaly proven and if your thinking huh well yeah i was too but there are many articles on this track.
Even when you google “relaxing song reduces anxiety stress” you get the same song and its easy to see why.
A new study by US researchers has revealed that playing the “world’s most relaxing song” before surgery could be just as beneficial for calming a patient’s nerves as medication.
Patients in the trial were either given the drug midazolam or played the song “Weightless” by the British ambient band Marconi Union for three minutes, while having an anaesthetic to numb a region of the body.
The song performed well as a sedative in the study of 157 people, although patients said they would have preferred to choose their own music.
“Weightless” was written by the UK band Marconi Union in 2012 specifically to reduce anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate. Union – Weightless
How cool were these two songs in 1999/2002
Stary eyed surprise
I do not like either of these tracks but they were what my ears were assaulted to in the 90’s at discos!
Now until a few days ago id never seen the videos for either of these tracks and now i wish i hadnt.
I Love you stop
Lift me up
It was shocking to hear the sudden passing of Prodigy frontman Keith Flint last monday. I love The Prodigy heck anyone who grew up in the 90’s did.
Music for the Jilted Generation
Music for the Jilted Generation was bloody awesome and still is. I played the hell out of that album on cassette tape.
My favorite track has got to be “Poison” ive being playing the hell out of that for the last couple of months theres just something about the base and beat of that track that’s incredible.
Help get Firestarter to number#1;
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An absolute favorite tune of mine from the moment i first heard it back in the 90’s. This reworking is stunning and i actually hated it when i first hear it with the vocals as that’s not the way i remember it but ive grown to love it now.
I remember this song from the early 2000’s i never actually thought she was irish.
How good were these guys back in 80’s and 90’s;
Battlefield 1 came out last November and its a great game, i havnt had time to play it till this weekend.
I was playing the “War Stories” and there was a piece of music that really stuck in my head, its an incredible piece of music. The hairs on my neck were standing and this tune is incredible.
I need to do more research to see if DICE or its a folk song, either way its amazing.
This song deserves a really great video tbh.