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Lisbon Treaty and Ireland-Scared to Vote No?

I dont know where to start with this one but it seems as if were being steamrolled into voting yes for it depsite most of the population including myslef not knowing what the hell its about. In a nutshell it wants to give more power to Brussles and take away Irelands say in matters of the EU. Of course its a lot more complicated than that and in the next 2 weeks im going to see what its about.

What makes me angry is the way the ordinary person who hasnt a clue is being made to fear a no vote. Posters are up everywhere and most politicians are telling us to vote “YES”. they dont say why other than it “would be bad for ireland if we voted no” Well the Dutch and French did in 2005. Its like a parent telling its children “not to put your hand in the fire” the child has no idea why not to so wonders why.

According to Wikipedia the central changes are as follows;

with a 2½ year term replacing the
low-key President-in-Office.

created by merging the External
Relations Commissioner
with the
CFSP High Representative.

from 2000 made legally binding.

increasing the EU’s competence
to sign treaties.

officially from the EU Council.
Legislative meetings of the EU
Council to be held in public.

to less than one commissioner per
country. Nationalites would rotate
regardless of country size.

by extending codecision with the
Councils to more areas of policy.

by removing the Nice Treaty
limitation to 27 Member States.

to new areas of policy in the
European Council and the
EU Council, from 2014 on.

  • Common defence foreseen

in that the ESDP leads to a
common defence when the
European Council decides to.

  • National parliaments engaged

by expanding scrutiny-time of
legislation and enabling them to
jointly compell the Commission
to review or wihdraw legislation.

  • Mutual solidarity obliged

if a member state is object of a
terrorist attack or the victim of a
natural or man-made disaster.

  • Citizens’ initiatives

to be considered by the
Commission if signed by
1 mill. citizens.

explicitly stated as an objective.


by removing the Nice Treaty
limitation to 27 Member States.

Even most of that is quite unclear but there are few key issues that raise an eyebrow. As if the EU isnt big enough already with the Eastern European countries joining they want to enlarge europe even more? I cant see why this a good thing other than to create some kinda of “United States of Europe”. The EU already is trying to pass laws over its countries some of which interfere with the constitution of those countries.

to less than one commissioner per
country. Nationalites would rotate
regardless of country size.

They want to Reduce each countries EU Commissioner to “less than one commissioner per country” all i can see with this is that they want to reduce a countries say in the EU Parliment again how can this be a good thing?